Jono Bacon

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Take the time, frustration, and pain out of building your movement

 Jono Bacon has spent 22+ years exploring, testing, and distilling the art and science of building communities for hundreds of companies across a diverse range of industries.

He is the creator of the industry-leading Community Leadership Core community accelerator.

He is also the creator of the the Community Experience Masterclass.

He is the author of two best-selling books ‘People Powered‘ (Harper Collins) and ‘The Art of Community’ (O’Reilly) and writes for Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Fortune, Inc, and others.

Clients include:

Advising/investments include:


An accelerator that develops industry-leading community engagement and growth via personalized coaching, training, and accountability…all tailored to your company’s needs.

Decoding DevRel: Exploring Job Roles in Developer Relations

Decoding DevRel: Exploring Job Roles in Developer Relations

DevRel, short for Developer Relations, is a critical part of many tech companies. It refers to the strategic efforts aimed at engaging and nurturing relationships with the developer community. This involves creating a conducive environment for developers, facilitating...

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What is Developer Relations (DevRel)? A Complete Guide.

What is Developer Relations (DevRel)? A Complete Guide.

Developer Relations, commonly known as DevRel, is a rapidly growing field within the tech industry that focuses on fostering relationships between companies and their developer communities. DevRel professionals bridge the gap between companies and developers by...

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5 Things I Would Do To Fix Twitter

5 Things I Would Do To Fix Twitter

So, Elon Musk has purchased Twitter. I don't really want to get into the politics of whether this is a good or bad thing (other people are already debating this), but it got me thinking about what needs fixing in Twitter. There is little doubt that Twitter has a...

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Internal and External Community Strategy and Management